HER Number Biosecurity Level
1140 Add to cart

Genus Species Subspecies Host strain
Bacillus anthracis CN 18-74
Other designations

Growth conditions
Temperature Medium Aerobic/Anaerobic Agitation Others
37ºC BHI, TSA Yes Blood agar.


Phage sensitivity
γ AP50

Original reference
Nagy, E. 1974. A highly specific phage attacking Bacillus anthracis strain Sterne. Acta Microbiol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 21:257-263.

May also be obtained from:
Prof. Ilona B�ladi
Institute of Microbiology
University Medical School of Sz�ged
P. P. Box. 432, H-6701, Sz�ged, Hungrary.

Obtenu de Date
M. Strene, Burroughs Wellcome, Beckenham, Kent, England
Obtenu de Date
Prof. Ilona Béladi, Institute of Microbiology, University Medical School of Szeged
Obtenu de Date
Dr Elizabeth Nagy, Dept. of linical Microbiology, University Medical School of Szeged, P.O.B. 432, H-6701, Szeged, Hungary 09-13-1982
Original source

Last update
GREB, Pavillon de Médecine Dentaire
Université Laval, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6
Téléphone : 418-656-2485 Fax : 418-656-2861
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