HER Number
313 Add to cart

Name Morphotype
η (eta) B1 (Siphophage)
Order Family Genus Species
Other designations

Electron Micrograph
Magnification: 297,000X
Bar: 50 nm
Staining: UA
Restriction profile

Characteristics Complete genome sequence
Clear plaques of 0.5mm
Buoyant density in CsCl = 1.495g/mL

Propagation conditions
Host strain HER
Temp. Medium Aerobic/Anaerobic Agitation Others
30ºC TSA

Original reference
Von Lohr, R. 1970. Z. Allg. Mikrobiol. 10:269-274. (En allemand/ In deutsch)
Pons, F.W. 1966. Biochem. Z. 346:26-40. (En allemand/ In deutsch)

Originally described as short tailed.
Guanine partially replaced by unknown base; DNA contains nonidentified sugar.
Infects log-phase cells only.
Adsorbs well, forms large, moderately turbid plaques from which lysogens can be isolated. Pre-adsorption is not required for plating.
Phage inoculum for double-layer agar 15 000 PFU, yield 10^11 PFU.
Multiplies on S. marcescens CV (σ)

Received from Date
R.W. Kaplan
Received from Date
Dr F.W. Pons
Institut f�r Mikrobiologie
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Haus 75A
D-6000 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Isolé par Date
R.W. Kaplan
Institut f�r Mikrobiologie
Frankfurt, Germany
Original source
Supernatant of an overnight culture of a lost strain : S. marcescens ES

Last update
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