HER Number Biosecurity Level
1037 Add to cart

Genus Species Subspecies Host strain
Escherichia coli K12S
Other designations

Growth conditions
Temperature Medium Aerobic/Anaerobic Agitation Others
37ºC BHI, TSA A�robie 200


Phage sensitivity

Original reference

Name K12 S (K12S) seems to be a laboratory designation which originated in Dr Nicolle\'s institute, S standing for \"sensitive\"
Identical with ATCC12435 (?)
Also sensitive to T3.
Also conserved at Dept. Microbiol., Faculty Med., U. Laval. MUL-B 04040101:32.1

Obtenu de Date
Dr P. Nicolle, Institut Pasteur, Service des Bactériophages, 25, Rue du Docteur Roux, 75024 Paris Cédex, France 1968
Original source

Last update
GREB, Pavillon de Médecine Dentaire
Université Laval, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6
Téléphone : 418-656-2485 Fax : 418-656-2861
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