HER Number Biosecurity Level
1675 Add to cart

Genus Species Subspecies Host strain
Dokdonia sp. Dokd-P16
Other designations

Growth conditions
Temperature Medium Aerobic/Anaerobic Agitation Others
room temperatureºC Marine broth aerobie yes


Phage sensitivity

Original reference
Posacka AM, Semeniuk DM, Maldonado MT. 2019. Effects of Copper Availability on the Physiology of Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria. Frontiers in Marine Science 5.


Isolé par Date
Anna M. Posacka
Department of Earth
Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Obtenu de Date
Jian Guo
Department of Earth
Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Original source
Sea water, Station P16 (49°17.00 & 134°40.00) in the NE Pacific Ocean

Last update
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Université Laval, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6
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