Q: How do I make a phage request?
R: To order a phage, you can search the online catalog or select a phage directly from the online catalog. When you are on the phage page, you click the "To order" button at the top right part of the page. You will be redirected to the Cart section. If you wish to order another phage or bacteria, you start the process over again. When you are finished, you click on the "Checkout" button. Fill the form. A pdf file will be automatically generated. Then, you print the file, sign it and send it by e-mail.
Q: Is the bacteria included with the phage?
R: No, the two items must be ordered separately.
Q: Do I need an import permit?
R: The collection distributes only bacteria from the risk groups 1 and 2. The import of a bacteria from the risk group 2 is subjected to laws from the importing country. Thus, to import a pathogenic bacteria (to human, animal or plant), you need to contact your government to know which import permit is needed.
Q: Do I need an import permit for a phage?
R: No, phages are considered non pathogenic to humans, animals or plants.
Q: How do you send the phage?
R: Usually, 1ml of a high-titer phage lysate is shipped.
Q: What is the titer of the phage?
R: The phage titer will be at least 1x107 pfu/ml. Phage titer may drop during shipping.
Q: How do you send the bacteria?
R: Bacteria are sent on agar slant or lyophilised.
Q: What should I do when I receive a bacteria?
R: If the bacterial strain is lyophilised, you have to break the ampule, add media to the ampule, inoculate solid or liquid media and incubate. If the bacteria is in slant, you should transfer it in a fresh media.
Q: What should I do when I receive a phage?
R: If you received also the host bacterium, grow the bacterium first. You can keep the phage lysate at 4oC for a few days. Then, you can amplify the phage in liquid broth using standard protocol. You can also test the infectivity of the phage by spotting the lysate (or dilutions of the lysate) on a bacterial lawn.
Q: Which media should I use to grow the phage/bacteria?
R: Most of the available phages and bacteria can grow on TSB/TSA (trypticase soy broth/trypticase soy agar). The appropriate media is indicated on the web site for each phage or bacteria.
Q: At which temperature should I grow the phage?
R: The optimal growth temperature of the phage is usually the optimal growth temperature of the host bacterium. The suggested temperature is indicated on the web site for each phage or bacteria.
Q: Do I pay shipping fees?
R: Yes. The invoice from the Université Laval will also contain the cost associated with the shipping of the biological materials. Usually, we use the FEDEX company to ship the goods. In 2011, the fees are approximately 5$ in Canada, 80$ for the US, 100$ in Europe and 120$ in Asia.
Q: When will I receive the requested material?
R: The delivery time is variable, from one to 6 weeks. It depends on the availability of a high-titer phage lysate. Each lysate is tested before shipping.
Q: When should I pay?
R: A few weeks after you have received the phage/bacteria, you will receive an invoice (facture) from the Université Laval which includes the fees for the biological material and the shipping. You will have 30 days to pay the bill. You have to return the invoice with the payment to the address indicated on the return envelop.
Q: How can I pay the invoice?
R: Check is the easiest way to pay the invoice. Alternatively, the invoice can be paid by a tranfer of funds.